Friday, July 26, 2013

We're Heading Out!

                 Summer 2013            

Hi Friends, the time has come! We’ve been praying and waiting on the Lord’s guidance for us to continue our journey to Haiti and here it is. We have been so blessed to stay with dear friends/mentors in Illinois this summer. The couple of months that we’ve been here have been a real resting time for me {Melissa} and the girls. And it’s been the perfect place to be while waiting for the birth of our 4th daughter.

Galia {ga-lee-a} Elizabeth was born on June 29th! Her birth story is wonderful and her delivery was the quickest and easiest by far. The Lord was really with me and the entire thing was actually enjoyable!  She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz. and is such a gift to have with us! Galia is a Hebrew name meaning ‘The Lord has redeemed.’ I also was blessed to have my mom fly up from Puerto Rico to be with me. She was there for the 3 other girls’ births so it was awesome to have her there again. She is my ‘professional prayer warrior’ in the delivery room while Theo is my superhero and I couldn’t do it without him! Ultimately though, the Lord really gave me confidence and control over every minute of it {which was only 45 from start to finish- no time for meds- again!!} and REDEEMED the birth process from one of fear and anxiety to one of awesomeness and delight.

Stella, Naya and Olivia have grown so much this summer and they are really enjoying having another sister. They are all wonderful helpers and definitely like to smother Galia with hugs and kisses. J

Stella turned 6 in June and such a fun and spunky girl. She is practicing her reading skills and getting ready to do first grade homeschooling when we arrive and settle in Haiti. She is enjoying learning basic math skills as well and is quite the artist. She really enjoys drawing and coloring.  

Naya is  4 ½ and learning preschool and kindergarten skills. She is our tender and nurturing one. She’s very sensitive and considerate of others, especially when hurt or in need.

Olivia will already be 3 in a couple of months. She’s having fun learning along side her sisters and loves to snuggle! Since Galia was born, Olivia seems to have grown into a giant and is no longer the baby. She’s enjoying being one of the ‘big’ sisters now!

The girls have gotten to ride the horses, swim in the big pond in the yard and learn to collect eggs from the chickens. {Naya is the animal lover and natural ‘farmer girl’ out of the 3!} They also sat with us for a little while to snap green beans before being canned yesterday. We’re all getting a real country living experience here! So fun!

Theo has been working on house building sites doing different things in the preparation process for the houses to be move in ready. He also has been working here in the wood shop as well as all around the property {where we live} doing all sorts of maintenance and upkeep. It’s been more hands on labor work than he’s had for a couple of years and it’s been really enjoyable for him! He enjoys the movement and appreciates being tired after the day’s work. J Of course, being tired takes on a new meaning when you have a newborn baby and are getting a lot less sleep! Theo also has had the opportunity to teach on Sundays here at the house church which has been a real blessing since our main calling in this season of our lives is to ‘FEED THE SHEEP.’  So he has been able to minister and fellowship with the guys on the house build sites, and able to minister and fellowship with us through the Word on Sundays! He’s been busy!

Our time in Illinois has given us the chance to save a little money to help our transition and to pray and plan for our big move. We’re thankful for the opportunity to not be rushed into this new life in Haiti, as well as a little time to adjust to being a family of 6!





So our plan is to leave Le Roy on the morning of August 12th. We’ll make our way to North Carolina first to see our dearest friends Lee and Sarah, as well as possibly  a friend we met through Theo’s trip to Columbia in January. We will also meet with Rich Stevenson, director of the Malachi Network, and former professor and director of the Apostolic Missions School in Kansas City. Rich led the team Theo was on when they traveled to Myanmar in 2008 and

we now raise our financial support through his organization,

The Malachi Network.

We will then make our way south into Florida, possibly making a couple of stops along the way to see friends and family. We hope to visit and hug many friends from the Harbour Church as well when we get to Ft. Lauderdale.

We will ship our 12 passenger van, loaded with what’s left of our belongings, to Haiti and then fly from Ft. Lauderdale to Port-Au-Prince on September 12TH.  

We will be living and working with Theo’s parents in Port-Au-Prince and you can go to

to see the guest/team house that we will be living in and helping facilitate. Click on “Grace Center Guest House” to see a virtual picture of the place and to get some info. Theo will also be working in 3 more arenas.

First, he will be working with his father in his construction/building business. As you may know Haiti is really on the up in terms of rebuilding the city. Many homes and structures are being worked on since the earthquake in 2010 destroyed so much of Port-Au-Prince. Ted {Theo’s father} has been a business man and builder in Haiti for many years and is busy with new projects.

Secondly, Theo will be working with “Christians Concerned for Haiti.” It is a foundation started to assist other organizations and people who desire to work and serve in Haiti without the hassle or complexity of the ‘red tape’ of the government. Being registered under Christians Concerned for Haiti enables you to come in legally and registered to work with the desired area of ministry or service.

Thirdly, we hope and plan to plant another house church, much like Baja Fellowship. This is really at the core of our hearts. We’ve been doing ‘house church’ for many years now and know the fruit it bears in the hearts of the people. We love to see Jesus transform hearts and minds to His likeness through the Word and fellowship with one another. We miss the wonderful people that make up Baja Fellowship in Ensenada, the house church in Kansas City, and we’ve enjoyed and love the people at the house church here in Le Roy. And of course, we absolutely love and cherish the ones that introduced us to the house church model at the Harbour Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Getting to experience Church in these different places has shown us and given us a deep love and desire to help grow believers this same way!



1.     Monthly support until we are able to attain enough monthly income from Theo’s work.

2.     Funds to help cover moving and set up costs in Haiti.

3.     Peace and security from the Lord for our daughters during all of the transition.

4.     Safety and health throughout all the travel to our final destination.

5.     That the Lord would be glorified and exalted through our family.

6.     Grace and strength as we begin homeschooling on our own, learn French and Kreyol, and adapt to life in a 3rd world country. Lots of change!!!


We appreciate your prayers more than you know. Thank you for thinking of us and bringing our needs before our gracious Father in heaven. He is so kind and faithful to hear us and answer! If you would like to partner with His purposes for our family financially, let us know!

You can send tax deductible financial support via THE MALACHI NETWORK at


Click on DONATE and you’ll be taken to the page where you can scroll down to our names and continue from there.


We are also raising support specifically for the move on

and have a goal of raising $15,000 to cover the transition and set up in Haiti.


We’d like to thank everyone for your love and encouragement during this time. The Phillips Family for the incredible generosity and support throughout the years and especially this summer. All those who have supported us financially and prayerfully throughout the years, you have helped us get to this point and we’re forever grateful! Our family who has loved and tracked with us from country to country….thank you for hanging on for the adventure of our lives! We love you all!


We can be contacted via FACEBOOK, by phone at (217) 550-4755 or by email at