Hello World,
Just as the title says, a new chapter has begun for us. Somewhat surprisingly, we have landed in a most beautiful and peaceful location! The story on how we got here is quite amazing and it involves the Lord heavily. We're all so thankful to be here.
In case you missed what this last year has looked like for us, let me try to put it in a nutshell.... April 2013 we left Ensenada, Mexico. We drove across the U.S. to Illinois where we stayed for the summer and I had our 4th baby girl there. Six weeks later we continued the journey south to Florida where we got on a plane and moved to Haiti. Our plan was definitely to be there for the long haul....to settle and minister and do life there, but there were clearly some major things that had to be worked out.....away from Haiti. So 8 months later, we went to Puerto Rico to be with my family and to pray and seek the Lord about what was happening and for His guidance on what has felt like a crazy emotional and spiritual roller coaster ride....all the while trying to hang onto our marriage and our 4 little girls. Let me tell you....it's been a really LONG year. Without the consistent and stable fellowship we're used to and all the confusing movement, we got extremely worn out, extremely stressed out and extremely burnt out. About everything. Thankfully, the Lord is faithful and never abandons us even in our weaknesses. He is so good and led us out of our mistake. Our summer in Puerto Rico was beautiful. Since I left Puerto Rico as a baby, I had never spent a chunk of time with my own father apart from this summer. They were always short visits and I didn't know how awesome it would be to be around him along with my step mom, sister and grandparents on both sides. My husband and daughters really got to know them, and just love them like I do. I got priceless pictures of my grandmothers (both of them, separately) brushing and braiding the girls' hair.....them with their great- grandmothers! Again, so thankful for a chunk of time for everyone to get comfortable and close enough for moments like those despite a lifetime apart.
As planned, our stay ended at the end of the summer. The Lord made a clear and powerful provision for us to move to Melbourne, Florida and it's where I'm writing from now. Our home spot is just perfect for us right now. It truly is a gift from God to be here. Again, so thankful.
We have spent the last 3 weeks searching for jobs for Theo to pick up but many doors are closed. On the financial side of things, we're in that tension of trusting the Lord for provision as always, but now with an added financial stress. We have been praying about and feeling strongly for Theo to go to the fire academy and EMT school and the classes begin October 28th. We need to have the full amount a week before classes start and the cost is $2,200 for EMT and $3,800 for fire academy. Because the school is a technical school, there is no financial aid or scholarships available. We are asking for help for Theo to get equipped and trained for what we believe will be an amazing career. We are forever grateful to those who have loved, given and literally been used by God to keep our heads above water throughout our journey. You know who you are. We are now excited and so looking forward to this transition into a marketplace career that Theo will thrive in and be able to support our family.
As Theo works during the day, he will go to school at night to hopefully finish all classes by next summer and get hired as a fireman/EMT, ASAP. This position will allow continued family time, it will allow time and funds to help some of our own family members as well as our future hopes for a church plant and discipleship ALL THE WHILE being able to pay our bills. It doesn't seem so hard to attain, but we need your help to get the ball rolling. Its a funny thing....sometimes, it just takes money to make money. And in our case, it takes money, to go to school, to make money. So if you could pray and consider supporting us through this new chapter of our journey, we would be eternally grateful. You can give through our missions organization, the Malachi Network {www.malachinetwork.org}which pays us once a month {15th} OR you can give directly to our paypal account at theosteinhauer@yahoo.com .
We are also getting to know our new neighborhood and getting into routine here with the girls. All of us are doing well and ready to be back in steady fellowship with other believers and simply finding our groove here. Theo and I have started reading Francis and Lisa Chan's new book called 'You and Me Forever' {Marriage in Light of Eternity}. Its such a solid book...not only for marriage but for how God calls us each to live in light of His eminent return....which directly effects and produces a joyful marriage and life! So awesome.
If you have any questions or would like to connect with us further, you can find us on Facebook, whatsapp, or on our emails. Theosteinhauer@gmail.com and Melissasteinhauer@gmail.com
Feel free to ask for our numbers as well and we can catch up directly!
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