Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summertime in Ensenada!

Ensenada, Mexico!

We are so excited about the Lord’s movement in Baja California.  As you may know, we were a bit surprised when the Lord led our family to move to this small town called Chapultepec, south of Ensenada. We weren’t sure what our life here would be like, or why the Lord even wanted us here, but we knew He said “Go.”

 It’s getting close to a year that we’ve been here and we’re full of joy and gratitude for the Lord showing us His will and for this season of our lives.  As you may know, after much prayer, we were led to plant a church.  Actually, the Lord brought the people, before we realized the church had been planted!  It was incredible to start with just 2 families meeting together and before we knew it, word was spreading of a new, english speaking house church.

Now, BAJA FELLOWSHIP, has about 40 regular attendees….sometimes more. Families, missionaries, interns serving different ministries, and locals have been attending.  We’ve had the privilege of having a separate kids teaching for our kids who are 10 and under, for the last few months as well.

The time has flown by and we are feeling roots go down quickly here. The role the Lord has given us in pastoring a church has produced a deep love and burden for the people we are serving.  We are learning the discipline and joy of serving the Body like never before. Our relationships with the people who consider Baja Fellowship their home church is a new and unique thing for us and we truly feel the love of God for them! 

We are asking that you would pray for us as we help lead them toward Christ Jesus in a deep, convicting and powerful way! We are zealous to share the good news and truth of our King, to those we are shepherding. We would love you to pray for wisdom and understanding for us, and also for the people here.

Baja Fellowship meets every Sunday at 10am for worship, Bible teaching, personal prayer and ministry, then we enjoy a potluck together. The friendships have a chance to grow during that time of ‘breaking bread’ together.  That is a critical time as we believe the Lord is using that fellowship to forge relationships between the different ministries represented here.  We also meet on Thursday evenings for worship and prayer and have had amazing and unexpected personal ministry times. Theo leads prayer at the YWAM prayer room, has been teaching interns at YUGO and YWAM and meets with several different people to pray with and be a brother in their lives.

Throughout our time together, we’ve celebrated many birthdays, dedicated babies to the Lord and recently said goodbye to a close family, The Whitted’s, who the Lord led back the States. We also prayed over and said goodbye to one of our worship leaders, Rachel Villaire, who left the Ensenada YWAM base to serve the base in Geneva, Switzerland! Within the next month we’ll sadly say goodbye to another worship leader, Jacob Kemp, who will be moving back to his home country, England, for worship school. We are VERY excited to have good friends of ours, Henry and Aneliz Bruno and their 3 daughters move down from IHOP_KC to be part of our fellowship and leadership at Baja. They are scheduled to arrive in October.

Melissa has been the kid’s teacher at Baja Fellowship over the last 3 months. Beginning next week, we will be training a local believer, Teresita,  who is attending our church, to help Melissa serve the kids on Sundays. Teresita loves the Lord, has a passion for prayer and is eager to use her gifts to serve the church, especially with the kids!  It’s exciting for us that we even have a role for someone to serve in and get more connected! Besides Sundays, Melissa is working hard with the girls at home.  She’s been learning more and more, the biblical role of wives and mothers and feels strongly the conviction to pursue it with her whole heart.

If you weren’t aware via facebook, Melissa miscarried last month. It was a time of difficulty where the Lord showed us His kindness in a way we’ve never experienced. Fear and sadness were far removed from us, and we were filled with the love and grace of God. I wrote about our experience with it on our blog. www.steinhauerfamily.blogspot.com 

Stella turned 5 this week and she’s very excited to begin Kindergarden in the Fall. There are several families, including us, serving the Lord in our immediate area who will be starting a homeschool co-op this year. We are excited for a Christian, structured, homeschool opportunity for the girls here!

Naya is doing great and is learning the basics of preschool. She still loves to pray and enjoys playing with Stella and being Taina’s best friend!

Olivia is currently getting over the chicken pox! We’re blessed that it was a mild case and besides 1 or 2 days, she’s been her normal happy self.  She’s a year and a half old and we notice that like the other girls when her age, seems to grow over night! She’s also enjoying being able to play with her big sisters more and more.

The Lord has given us a new vision to raise up a team of people who have a heart for missions and to pray for what the Lord is doing through our family and actually partner with us in the Lord’s purposes. We are becoming more and more confident in the Lord’s provision and ask that you would consider a personal partnership with us. This is kind of how you ‘adopt’ a child who lives in another country, only it would be us. J  

That would include us praying for each other regularly, being in touch on a regular basis via email, phone, facebook and/or skype,  and supporting our family and Baja Fellowship through prayer and finances.

We have a few 1-time/random needs that there is currently no budget for and if you are interested in helping with those, please let us know. Our most consistent need though, is that of monthly income to cover our normal bills.  Over the recent months our support has dropped so we are making about $800/month total. Obviously, that is more than ‘tight’ for a family of 5. The Lord is showing us how to live modestly, with joy, but there are still some consistent needs that need to be covered.

We continue to be covered by and accountable to our sending church in Florida, the Harbour Church, and still raise our support through their missions organization, Light International. If you would like to “adopt”-partner with us please tell us!  We thrive on relationships and truly want that with whoever the Lord sends to support our work for Him!

Contact Info.
Magic Jack phone:  (949) 945-5956
Facebook:   Theo n Melissa Steinhauer
Skype:   theo.melissa.steinhauer

Mailing Address:    Theo and Melissa Steinhauer
                             PMB-022 , PO BOX 189003
                             Coronado, CA 92178
To Support us as a tax deductible donation:   www.lightinternational.org 
Click on ‘Sponsor a Light Missionary,’ then on ‘give online.’ You can set up automatic with-drawl as well if you’d like. If you need help or would like more information, you can call Light International at (954) 876-0302.

Theo teaching the interns at YUGO.

Trisha, Melissa, Debbie and Charity after church.

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