Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Steinhauer Family Missions Letter- May 2012

Steinhauer Family Missions letter
May 2012

Friends and family, we pray this finds you well! We’re already to the month of May!  This year {as usual} is passing so quickly! We’ll fill you in on what’s happened in our little world since our last missions letter, in February.

PERSONAL NEWS:  Our hearts are alive in Christ! By His grace and kindness, the Lord has been continuing to move us, speak to us and draw us near to Himself. The last few months have been filled with deeper revelation of the love of God for us personally and for the Body at large.  This has been creating an incredible love in our own hearts for the Body of Christ. What a precious gift we have been given, in each other! His Word has also been faithful to bring conviction to live a more wholehearted and truly devoted life in honor of our King.

FAMILY NEWS:  Our clan is growing!! As we write this, Melissa is about 8 weeks pregnant with baby #4! We are all excited and feeling very blessed. Stella and Naya are especially excited for a new brother or sister and talk about it nonstop! All 3 girls are doing great and growing fast. Stella and Naya enjoy learning and still love to play dress up and princesses. We hear they’ll never really grow out of that. J Olivia is 18 months old and is communicating more now through sign language and beginning to say a bunch of new words- mainly in Spanish. Stella is learning to read and write and enjoys writing letters to anyone that’s on her mind. She also LOVES Jesus and likes to learn all about Him. Naya seems to be our little prayer warrior. She is usually the one who begs to pray first during our family prayer times, and any time someone gets hurt, she is ready and willing to pray for them. We’re finding too that all 3 girls are very affectionate and love their cuddle times! Theo has also been doing spontaneous French lessons with the girls, so hopefully soon we’ll hear that more in their vocabulary. 

Psalm 127:3  “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

MINISTRY:  As you may know by now, Baja Fellowship is our primary role here in regards to ministry. We are going on 9 months of an awesome home church community and we are blessed and humbled at what the Lord has done. The testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness and kindness to us and to the people that consider Baja Fellowship their church is overwhelming. We have an average of 40 people who attend regularly, including a kid’s ministry class for the kids 10 and younger. We’re experiencing hearts being convicted, encouraged and being drawn closer to Jesus each week. We’re having open confession and repentance, times of personal ministry and prayer, and communion. The stirring of the Holy Spirit in our midst through the teaching, worship and fellowship is powerful and we’re happy to call each other family! We are also holding a weekly prayer meeting on Thursday nights at our house for those who can’t attend on Sundays due to work or conflicting schedules.

Theo has also been teaching the interns at a local ministry called YUGO. He’s blessed to share his knowledge of Jesus, and exhorting and encouraging the young people to keep their eyes on the Prize. Theo has also been ministering to a neighbor, Richard who is a tender, kind and lonely man. He is very open to hearing about Jesus and we’re excited to give him a fresh and biblical perspective on Christianity!

Melissa is still attending her weekly women’s bible study, now focusing on the book of Ruth. She is so grateful to have the opportunity and blessing of joining with other women to learn more of the Word and draw closer to God and these sisters.

We are also very excited about the Prayer Watch {prayer room} that is up and running every Monday, Weds, and Friday mornings at our local YWAM Ensenada base! Theo has been asked to prayer lead and it is so refreshing to go as a family and worship God and pray as a community.
We are honored that the Lord has us here during this time and has been bringing more visitors than we ever had while living in the states. It’s been awesome to have guests from all over, make their way to our home and church!

We are now at a time where we feel that with a growing family and some added ministry expenses, that it’s time to ask you all, the Body, to consider a monthly partnership with us financially if you haven’t already. We are in need of a slightly increased income to meet our needs and expenses. The Lord uses the Body to support and encourage missionaries and pastors all around the world working for His purposes, and we find ourselves in that exact position too. By His grace, we obeyed His leadership in bringing us to Ensenada and are sure and joyful that we are in His will. Please let us know if you’d like to partner with us on a monthly basis or any sort of time/increment giving.  

The Lord has been faithful to use those who believe in His purposes and who believe in our family to help carry us along for years. We are so thankful and motivated to continue pursuing whatever He has planned for us, bringing Him glory along the way!

Some of our current and near future needs are as follows…

*Stella and Naya will be attending a small homeschool co-op this year! We are all very excited that they will have a more focused and structured setting for school that we all can be part of! We will need to pay for the curriculum that is chosen for both girls.

*We need to set aside the money for the dr. appointments and delivery of baby #4! We’ve already had to tap into our regular monthly income for several extra appointments and know that we don’t have any extra money to budget for that at this time. Baby is due in December!

*Home church expenses. Every Sunday after church, we have a potluck. Everyone brings their portion of food, but we supply the plates, cups, napkins, utensils, coffee, sugar and creamer. We’re blessed to have a Costco not far from our house to buy in bulk, and besides the occasional donation, those expenses are on us.  We also need kids activity supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons, etc, for kids ministry.

If you would like to give toward any of our specific needs or to partner with us monthly, please let us know! We’d love to get you on our weekly prayer list of supporters and partners.

THANK YOU to all of our friends who have been supporting and loving us through the years. We feel that genuine partnership with you and hope to see you all face to face sooner than later.

PLEASE NOTE! We have a NEW {personal} MAILING ADDRESS!  We will now be able to receive mail here in Mexico twice a week! 
Robert and Melissa Steinhauer
PMB 022
PO Box 189003
Coronado, CA 92178-9003

Please let us know if you have a package to send. We can accept them, but at a different address which we can give you. THANK YOU!

Our US magic jack phone line is (949) 945-5956.

To support us financially with a tax deduction, you can go to
Click on ‘Sponsor a Light Missionary,’ and click ‘give online.’ You can set up automatic with-drawl as well if you’d like. If you need help or would like more information, you can call Light International at (954) 876-0302. 

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