Friday, January 9, 2015

Continual Transition

I see it's been about another 4 months since my last post. Hopefully soon this will be a bit more frequent, because I actually love writing...but I do what I can do. Since we moved back to Florida it's been work to settle. We were in the beautiful townhouse 3 months when sweet "aunt" Sandee came back to sell the place. Aunt Sandee is a wonderful Godsend who has truly been such a blessing since we've been here. The month of December was full of searching and moving into this new place which we are now working hard to make a home! The previous townhouse was furnished so while we are excited to be in this sweet little  townhouse still so close to the beach, we are collecting new furnishings little by little- again. :) Many of our personal belongings are still in Hati waiting to be shipped up to us when the time is right. Hopefully, sooner than later! The community here has been wonderful in helping us get what we need to get set up.

We also will all be taking a big step in a new direction, which is very exciting! Not only will Stella and Naya be attending school at this wonderful new school, I will be working there as well! We didn't exactly see this coming, but the Lord has brought this to our journey and it's such a comforting thing as we see this community of believers that we get to be part of at just the right time and just the right context! Coastal Community School is in its inaugural year and we get to join in this hybrid community school at its blossoming into an amazing Christ centered school. Never heard of a community school? Me either, until this came along! 

So CCS is a private Christian school hybrid where the school and parents partner to give their kids the best spiritual and academic experience possible. The kids go to the school on Tuesdays and Thursday and for enrichment day on Fridays. The teachers prepare the lesson plans which the parents teach from at home on Mondays and Wednesdays- hence, the hybrid homeschool/traditional school setting. Olivia will be attending a vpk close by for a few hours each day as well and Galia will join me in our classroom/office while I work at the school on the days the girls are there. 

This is all such a fun and exciting turn of events in what our days look like. We actually have to wear real clothes rather than comfy pants and flip flops everyday. :) We're scrambling now to get all the school supplies needed as well as proper school shoes and lunch boxes, ect, all the while trying to set up the house! So much happening at once!

The girls are doing wonderful. Galia is almost 19 months old and starting to say words both in English and Spanish! It's so cute. She runs around and plays with everything and is truly a little cuddle bug. Hugs and kisses all around from her everyday, along with some feisty moments sprinkled in there. Olivia,4, is also so affectionate and learning to keep her temper. :) She is learning to write  her name and sounds out letters. Naya turns 6 next month is starting to come out of her little shy shell and is excited to make new friends at school. Stella is 7 1/2 and very excited to join her second grade class! She's always had her own little mature personality, but as she actually gets older we really see her personality blossom. She's funny and we've seen the "oldest sister" in her come out lately regarding taking responsibility for things at home. What gems they all are to us.

Theo is doing great working for the same construction company. He enjoys the work and enjoys simply providing for the family. He is meeting some new solid guys to hang with and has been playing soccer a couple nights a week, which obviously, he loves. 

We are hopeful and excited to minister within our new community and are anticipating some new open doers for that soon. Thank you all for those who pray for us and love us. Your support and encouragement over the years has been truly priceless.