My hope is to record the 'moments' in this life that pass so quickly. To share with our family and friends what life looks like for us. And for my own bad memory. I can't wait to look back and see the journey God took us on, because we were willing to let Him lead. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
I know, I know
So it's been a month since my last post. Sorry but hubby has been away and business with these 2 little ones has kept me from writing. Ok, not just that...but I've bene in some sort of 3rd pregnancy funk. I'm thinking it's somewhat normal but it doesn't take the frustration of it away. This time around, I'm like 10 times more tired than I was with either of the girls. Not good since the girls still need so much attention. I'm wondering if I'm lacking some important energy giving vitamin or something. We'll see when I see my midwife again. Anyways, Theo has been away in New Hampshire for the last 10 days. Again, it feels like he's been gone for 10 months, but I admit my emotions are a little exaggerated these days. He's been in training for Wilderness First Responder certification and passed with flying colors. :) He'll go back in July to continue the training which will certify him as a Wilderness EMT. We're excited about all of this since we know God is the one who opens doors and he's truly made a way for this training free of cost to us. It's a big blessing that we're waiting to see the purpose of. We don't know why all of this is happening right now, but Theo is enjoying the ride since he gets to be out in the wilderness so much. BUT, this momma is ready to have him home. In about 4 hours he'll be back with us and hopefully relaxing over a yummy dinner to celebrate his 29th birthday. The girls are doing great...Stella is obsessed with Diego. Not Dora, Diego. He's more adventurous apparently. She's so much fun to be around and such a charming little person. Her vocabulary cracks me up. She's like 2 feet tall but she talks like she's 10 years old. Naya is a total cuddle bug. She wants to be sitting on me or rolling around on me at all times. Her chubby self is all tan from being at the pool so much and her hair is getting lighter and lighter. I'm so blessed to have these girls. And I've also been feeling this baby (boy!) kick! Such an amazing never gets old! I'm starting to get more excited and aniticpating having a son. Crazy that I have to start over now though since I don't own a single boy item. Oh well, it'll all come. Anyways, off to get ready for papa to come home!
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